拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 participates in the Federal Direct Loan Program offered 由教育部颁发. 联邦直接贷款是学生贷款 偿还,并提供给符合条件的学生. 学生必须保持至少一半的时间 注册(6个或更多学时)以获得学生贷款. 在大多数情况下,学生 loans do not need to be repaid until a student graduates, ceases attendance, or drops 半小时以下入学.

拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 does not participate in the Parent Plus Loan Program.

我们确实认证来自 Sallie Mae学生贷款 如果学生没有资格获得其他形式的资助. 这些是信用 基于贷款,并可能需要一个共同签署人.

If you are borrowing a Direct Loan, you may be awarded a subsidized or unsubsidized 贷款取决于你的经济需要.

信息更多资料 有补贴和无补贴贷款(学生援助).政府)


类型 评奖依据 感兴趣 解释
补贴 学生有经济需要. 感兴趣 will not accrue on your loan while you are enrolled at least half-time. If you are a first-time borrower on or after July 1, 2013, you may not receive Direct 补贴 贷款 for more than 150% of the published length of your program.
信息更多资料 直接资助贷款(学生资助)的最长申请期限.政府)
未受资助的 学生没有经济需求. 你要对在校期间的兴趣负责. 未受资助的 loan borrowers will receive quarterly interest statements on your unsubsidized 向贷款人贷款. 建议你每季度支付一次利息. If you do not, the interest will be added to your loan amount, which will result in 你付利息还利息.

学生可以控制他们实际接受的金额. 然而,在 是可以借的最高限额吗.

In many cases a student’s Pell Grant will cover the tuition and fees for the college. Though self-help aid such as federal loans is included in the award package, the student should carefully construct a financial plan that fits the student’s comfort level 累积债务. 学生可以自由选择接受、减少或拒绝资助 根据个人喜好或需要. 此外,学生有14天的付款后 取消联邦贷款并将资金返还给该项目.

拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 encourages students to accept only what they need 为学校.


依赖的本科生 补贴 未受资助的 总计
第一年 $3,500 $2,000 $5,500
第二年 $4,500 $2,000 $6,500
独立的大学生 补贴 未受资助的 总计
第一年 $3,500 $6,000 $9,500
第二年 $4,500 $6,000 $10,500


总限制 补贴 未受资助的 总计
依赖的本科生 $23,000 $8,000 $31,000
独立的大学生 $23,000 $34,500 $57,500

信息有关直接贷款的更多资料,请浏览网页 学生Aid.政府

If you are a first-time borrower on or after July 1, 2013, you may not receive Direct 补贴 贷款 for more than 150 percent of the published length of your program. 这个时间限制不适用于直接无补贴贷款.

信息更多资料 直接资助贷款(学生资助)的最长申请期限.政府)

利率每年都有变化. 的 现行利率 都贴在助学金上了吗.政府.

感兴趣 may accumulate interest while the student is attending school. 兴趣是 为使用借来的钱而收取的贷款费用. 你将用你的贷款工作 servicer to choose a federal student loan 还款 plan that’s best for you. 下 certain conditions you may be eligible to have all or part of your loan 解雇或赦免 (取消).

Yes, there is a loan fee on all Direct 补贴 贷款 and Direct 未受资助的 贷款. 的 loan fee is a percentage of the loan amount and is proportionately deducted from 每笔贷款支出. 这一比例取决于首次贷款的时间 支付.

的 Free Application for Federal 学生 AID is the application for the Federal Direct 补贴贷款和无补贴贷款. 你将获得联邦贷款 信息rmation supplied on the FAFSA, your classification, eligibility, annual and aggregate 贷款限制.

Prior to receiving the loans you will be required to complete 3 steps and enroll in 至少一半的课程负荷(本科生6小时).

1. 接受/拒绝你的贷款

符合条件的学生将在他们的援助计划中获得贷款. 你必须接受 这笔贷款是通过你的.LamarPA门户. 你不必全盘接受 你提供的贷款金额. 您可以自行选择降低贷款金额. 你 无法提高您的贷款金额.

信息视图 接受贷款指示

2. 入学贷款咨询

Before you are allowed to borrow from the federal student loan programs, you must receive educational 信息rmation concerning your rights and responsibilities. 入口 loan counseling session is designed to provide students with this 信息rmation. 这 是一项不能豁免的联邦要求吗. 想了解更多信息?

信息试试这个资源—— 直接贷款借款人入学辅导指南

3. 主本票

的 主本票 is a binding agreement between you and the federal 政府ernment 同意贷款的条件. 7月1日后或每年发售.

所有贷款分两次发放. 通常一开始是一次付款 一个是秋天,另一个是立春. 开始向学生申请贷款 拉马尔港亚瑟帐户第一天上课前7天.


  • If you are first time borrower your funds for the loan will not be applied until 30 第一天上课后的几天. 你可能会被要求确认你是否参加 你的类.
  • If you will only attend 正规靠谱赌博软件 for one 学期 during the aid year. 所有贷款都是 分两批申请. 前半部分将在开始时应用 学期. 的 second half will be 支付 at the 50% point of each 学期. If you drop below half time before the 50% point, the second disbursement will not be 支付.

Borrowers are encouraged to keep track of the total amount they have borrowed. 你 可以在哪里找到这些信息 学生Aid.政府,以及 还款计算器.

While you are still in school, you will also receive a 学生 Loan Debt Letter via e-mail from Inceptia on behalf of 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 detailing your loans 给你一个估计的月供.

A deferment is a period during which 还款 of the principal and interest of your 贷款暂时延期. 的re are several deferment 选项 available to students who may need to suspend 他们的付款是短期的. Most deferments are not automatic, and you will likely need to submit a request to your loan servicer, the organization that handles your loan account.

If you are enrolled in school at least half-time and you would like to request an in-school deferment, you’ll need to contact your loan servicer and submit the In-School 延期申请通过 全国学生信息交流中心.


  • 退学
  • Drop below half-time status (fewer than 6 hours during a long 学期)
  • 研究生

1. 完整的退出咨询

If you are a Direct Loan borrower at Lamar Sate 大学 Port Arthur, you are required to complete exit counseling prior to leaving (graduate, transfer, withdraw or no longer 参加). 要完成你的退出咨询,请访问 学生Aid.政府

2. 宽限期

你r grace period is a set period of time after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment before you must begin 还款 on your loan. 的恩典 period gives you time to get financially settled and to select your 还款 plan. 并不是所有的联邦学生贷款都有宽限期. 请注意,对于大多数贷款,利息 会在宽限期内增加吗.

3. 选择合适的还款计划

If you are having problems with making your payment it is very important that you 立即与直接贷款代表联系. 他们会帮你找到 一种付款方式. 降低付款有多种选择.

4. 避免违约:

Failure to make a payment on time, you're considered delinquent on your Direct Loan. If you do not make payments for 270 days, you are considered to be in default. 违约会带来严重而持久的后果.

信息想了解更多信息? 试试这个资源—— 偿还贷款 PDF


面对助学贷款,你并不孤单. 正规靠谱赌博软件与Inceptia合作, a division of National 学生 Loan Program (NSLP), to provide you with FREE assistance on your Federal student loan obligations to ensure successful, and comfortable, loan 还款. Inceptia’s friendly customer representatives may reach out to you during your grace period to answer questions you have about your loan obligation and/or 还款 选项.

inception不是讨债公司. 我们与他们合作通知你一件 wide variety of possibilities such as alternative 还款 plans, deferment, consolidation, 释放、宽恕和忍耐选项. inception会和 you via phone calls, letters, and/or emails to help you understand your 还款 时机和选择.

For additional resources including 信息rmation on 还款 选项, please visit Inceptia的联邦学生贷款概述网站 Inceptia.org/FAQ.